The Origin of Humans
Allah ordered an angel to gather a handful of every soil on earth: what is white, what is black, what is red, and what is yellow;
including what is soft, what is firm, and what is in between.
Since Adam was created from a mixture of all those different types of soil, his offspring differed.
Among Adam's offspring, you would find the white, the black, the red, and the yellow. Also among them you would find those
who are easy, those who are difficult, and those who are inbetween.
The Creation of Adam
An angel then took the soil into Paradise and mixed it with water from Paradise until it became clay. Allah formed the shape of
Adam from that clay. After a period of time the shape became dry.
Then the soul was blown into Adam and he spoke. The first thing he said was: "Praise be to Allah" (al-hamdu lillah).
Allah, the Exalted, created the knowledge and the belief in Adam as soon as the soul was blown into him. Therefore, Adam
knew that he had a Lord who created him and Adam knew the names of things. He knew that his Lord is the One Who
deserves to be worshipped and no one else deserves to be worshipped.
The Creation of Hawwa' (Eve)
Allah, the Exalted, created Hawwa' (Eve) from the shortest left rib of Adam.
Then Adam and Hawwa' had many offspring. Allah the Exalted said:
Surat al-'A^raf, Ayah 189 means: [Allah created you from one person (Prophet Adam) and created his wife (Hawwa') from him.]
Characteristics of Adam and Hawwa'
Allah, the Exalted, created Hawwa' from Adam's rib. He did not create her as a child.
He created her tall--suitable for the height of Adam. Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, informed us that Adam,
may peace be upon him, was sixty cubits in height and seven cubits in width.
Adam and Hawwa' lived in Paradise for a period of time. Then they were taken out of Paradise and brought down to earth.
Adam is the First of the Prophets
Allah, the Exalted, sent the Messengers as a mercy for His slaves. He made it obligatory to obey them.
The first of the Messengers was Adam, may peace be upon him.
Allah created in Adam the knowledge of the languages. Adam did not have to study them. He spoke eloquently and without
having to use signs.
Allah created in Adam the knowledge of how to plant wheat, how to make dresses, and how to make money from gold and
The Offspring of Adam
Since at the time there were no other humans, Allah, the Exalted, created Hawwa' for Adam to marry. After a time, they were
brought down to earth, and Adam received the Revelation. He became a Prophet who called for Islam.
Adam lived for 1,000 years and then died. When he died, his offspring remained Muslim and did not worship other than Allah.
They did not worship the sun, nor the moon, nor anything other than Allah. They remained that way for a long time--without
blasphemy and without associating partners with Allah.
Our Master Shith
Adam (may peace be upon him) lived as a Muslim, as did Hawwa'. They worshipped Allah, the Exalted, and did not worship
other than Him. Their children lived as Muslims. After Adam died, Shith received the Revelation of prophethood. Shith was
Adam's son. All the humans were Muslim throughout Shith's life.
After Shith died, another Prophet was revealed whose name was Idris. He lived a long time teaching the people the Religion of
Our Master Idris
Idris (may peace be upon him) is one of the honored messengers whom Allah mentioned in the Qur'an. Allah mentioned
Prophet Idris in Surat Maryam, Ayahs 57-58. Allah, the Exalted, said:
This Ayah mentions that Idris was a trustworthy prophet and had a very high status.
It is obligatory to believe in Idris. This means that it is an obligation to believe that he was a prophet and a messenger of Allah.
Idris was the son of Yarid, who was the son of Mahla'il. His lineage goes back to Shith, the son of Adam. Idris is among the
forefathers of Prophet Nuh, may peace be upon him.
The Life History of Idris
Idris was the third Prophet. He came after Adam and Shith (may peace be upon them).
Idris was the first to write with a pen. Fifty Books were revealed to him.
He was born in Babylon, a city in Iraq. Before he received the Revelation, he followed the rules revealed to Prophet Shith, the
son of Adam. When Idris grew older, Allah bestowed Prophethood on him. During his lifetime all the people were Muslim; no
one associated partners with Allah.
Idris in Egypt
Afterwards, our Master Idris left his hometown of Babylon because a great number of his people commited many sins even
after he told them not to do so. Some of the Muslims left with Prophet Idris. It was hard for them to leave their home.
They asked Prophet Idris: "If we leave Babylon, where will we find a place like it?" Prophet Idris said: "If we immigrate for the
sake of Allah, He will provide for us."
So the people went with Prophet Idris and they reached the land of Egypt. They saw the Nile River. Our Master Idris stood at
its bank and mentioned Allah, the Exalted, by saying: "Subhanallah."
The High Status of Idris
Idris and those who were with him stayed in Egypt calling the people to follow the rules of the Religion, in the acts of worship
and the dealings.
Our Master Idris (may peace be upon him) lived a period of time and then he died. He had a high status to Allah, as Allah
Surat Maryam, Ayah 57 means: [We raised his status high.]
Idris gave preachments and had good manners. He called the people to worship the Creator alone, as did all of the Prophets.
Preachments: Every talk that makes one extremely afraid of the torture of Allah or makes one
extremely love Paradise.
Good manners in sleeping, for example, is to sleep while having wudu', and to sleep on one's
right side.
The Call of Idris
Idris called the people to the Religion of Allah, Islam. He called the people to save themselves from the torture in the Hereafter
by worshipping the Creator and by doing good deeds in this world.
He ordered the people to pray, fast, and pay zakat, and he forbade all intoxicating drinks.
It was said that during his time seventy-two (72) different languages were spoken.
The Cities of Idris
Idris, may peace be upon him was the first to draw for his own people the rules of designing cities.
Every group of the nation of Prophet Idris built cities in their lands.
During Prophet Idris' time, eighty-eight (88) cities were built.
Prophet Idris was famous for his wisdom. Among his wise statements is: "Patience, along with belief, leads to success."
Patience is of three kinds: a) to be patient in performing what Allah made obligatory among
the matters of obedience: like praying and fasting Ramadan b) to be patient in refraining from
what Allah forbade: like leaving out prayers, drinking alcohol, and stealing c) to be patient
when inflicted with hardships and calamities: like the pain or the harm caused by people,
poverty, or sadness.
Apostasy and Blasphemy (1)
After Prophet Idris died, Iblis appeared to the people in the shape of a man. He whispered to them to build five statues of five
pious men who had died so that they would always remember them. Some people made the statues of those five pious men.
After a long period of time, Iblis whispered to them to blaspheme and worship these statues. Some of the people followed
Apostasy and Blasphemy (2)
Sometime after the death of Idris, ignorance spread among the people.
There was no Prophet among the people at that time. Iblis appeared to the people and told them: "Worship those five statues."
The people worshipped those statues and as a result, became blasphemers.
Worship: Extreme submission with total humbleness; Prostrating to an idol, the sun, or fire is
an act of worship to those objects and is blasphemy.
Allah said:
Ayah 23 of Surat Nuh states the names of the five pious Muslims the people made statues of and worshipped. The names of
those five pious Muslims were: Wadd, Suwa^, Yaghuth, Ya^uq, and Nasr.
Our Master Nuh
After blasphemy had spread on earth, Allah sent a Prophet named Nuh, may peace be upon him. He started calling the people
to Islam; to worship only Allah and not to associate partners with Him.
The period between Idris and Nuh was one thousand years.
Our master Nuh moved among the people telling them: "O you people leave out that which you worship other than Allah:
Worship Allah alone. Leave out worshipping those five statues and worship Allah alone."
Our master Nuh, may peace be upon him, was the first Messenger sent to the blasphemers, to call them to worship Allah
Nuh's Ark (1)
For 950 years our master Nuh, may peace be upon him, moved among the people telling them to worship Allah alone. Most
of them belied him, mocked him, and harmed him.
Then Allah revealed to him that no one else among his people would become believers. Those who believed already were
about eighty-three (83) people.
Nuh started making supplication to Allah against them, saying:
Surat Nuh Ayah 26 means: [O Allah, do not leave any of the kuffar alive on earth.
Nuh's Ark (2)
Allah revealed to Nuh to build an ark, and Allah revealed how to build it. Nuh built the ark, then went on it. His three children
who were believers went with him. Each one of them had his wife with him. People who believed in him from other than his
relatives also went on the ark.
On the ark Nuh took a pair of each kind of animal: cows, sheep, and other than that. Allah ordered the earth to spring up its
water and the sky to bring down its water. The water of the sky and the water of the earth both joined and the water covered
the earth. The ark and those on it survived.
Mount Al-Judiyy
Allah, the Exalted, drowned all the humans who had belied Prophet Nuh and remained worshipping the idols.
Then the earth stopped its water from springing forth and the sky held its rain from falling down. After a while, the earth
became as dry as it had been before the flood.
The ark landed on a mountain near the city of Mousil in Iraq. This mountain is called al-Judiyy. Prophet Nuh and those with
him came down from the ark on to earth.
The Offspring of Nuh's Children
The ark landed on al-Judiyy, and Prophet Nuh and those with him went on land once again.
Of those who went out of the ark, none had children--except for Sam, Ham, and Yafith--the three sons of Nuh. Those three
had children and from them the humans spread: the Arabs, Romans, Indians, Africans and others. All people on earth today
are offspring of Nuh's three Muslim sons.
Our Master Hud
A long period of time after Prophet Nuh, some people started to associate partners with Allah and worship other than Allah.
Allah sent a Prophet among the Arabs who was in Yaman. His name was Hud.
Prophet Hud started calling the people to Islam, telling them: "O people, worship Allah alone and leave out that which you
worship other than Allah." Some believed in him and others belied him.
The Story of the People of Hud
Some people believed in Hud, may peace be upon him and others belied him, so Allah destroyed them with the wind.
Allah, the Exalted, directed a strong wind on them for seven nights and eight days. The wind blew them in the air and dropped
them down on earth with their heads separated from their bodies. All people of ^Ad died--except for the believers.
^Ad is the name of Hud's tribe.
Allah created the heavens, the earths, and the mountains.
Allah created the rivers and the seas.
Allah created the sun, the moon, the stars, and the planets.
Allah created the shrubs, the trees, the humans, and the animals.
The first thing Allah created was water. It is above the heavens. Then Allah created the Grand ^Arsh.
The ^Arsh is a platform with pillars. It is the largest of the bodies that Allah created, and it is the ceiling of Paradise.
Allah is the Creator of everything.
The First Human Being, Our Master Adam
After Allah had created the heavens, the earths, the angels, the jinn, the trees, the birds, and the animals, Allah created our
master Adam from soil.
Our master Adam was the first human.
Adam was the first of the prophets and messengers.
Allah created Adam without a father or a mother.
Allah created the angels from light. They are the inhabitants of the seven heavens.
Allah created the jinn from fire. The father of the jinn is Iblis.
Allah created Adam in Paradise.
Paradise is above the seven heavens.
Paradise is very big.
Paradise is very beautiful.
Paradise has many trees, rivers, and birds with beautiful sounds. It has all what one would like.
Paradise and Hell
Allah prepared Paradise for the believers who followed the prophets (may peace be upon them) and believed them. The pious
believers will enter Paradise on the Day of Judgment without punishment.
Also Allah created Hell for the sinners and the blasphemers who belied the prophets and did not follow the true Religion. The
blasphemers will enter Hell on the Day of Judgment and they will never go out of it.
Adam Lived in Paradise
Adam (may peace be upon him) lived in Paradise 130 years, eating from its fruits; drinking from its rivers of water, honey, and
milk; and living in it enjoyably without getting sick, tired, or sad.
Lady Hawwa' (Eve)
After a period of time Allah created a wife for our master Adam. Her name was Hawwa' .
She lived a kind and peaceful life with Adam in Paradise.
She loved her husband and he loved her.
Adam Was Beautiful
Our master Adam was beautiful. He was tall, with an upright body. He was not like the animals that walk on four legs. He was
not ugly.
Hawwa' was beautiful also. She was tall, with an upright body. She was not ugly.
Adam and Hawwa' were not naked. They used to wear clothes.
Adam and Hawwa' and Their Descent to Earth
After Adam and Hawwa' lived in Paradise for a long period, Allah made them descend to earth.
They gave birth to many children.
Adam and Hawwa' started to build and construct things such as homes.
All of their children were Muslim; none of them was a blasphemer.
The Religion of Adam and Hawwa'
Adam and Hawwa' were Muslim. Each of them loved and worshipped Allah. They used to pray, fast, and go to Hajj
They both had good manners.
Good manners are for one to tolerate the harm, and to be good to people when talking to them and when dealing with
them--whether or not they treat one likewise.
Our Master Adam is a Prophet and a Messenger
When Adam (may peace be upon him) came down to earth, Allah made him a prophet and a messenger to his wife and
offspring, to teach them Tawhid and the prayers.
Tawhid is to know what attributes befit Allah and to know the difference between the Creator and the created things.
He taught them the basis for good behavior, truthfulness, trust-worthiness, and sincerity.
An example of good behavior is to be trustful in dealing and not to cheat.
An example of trustworthiness is if someone put money with another person to safekeep it, that person would give it back.
Sincerity means to be obedient (which means to obey Allah's orders) hoping for reward from Allah and not seeking to please
Our Master Adam was Articulate
Our master Adam spoke all languages.
Adam was articulate.
He had a beautiful voice.
He knew the names of everything.
Allah, the Exalted, said in the Qur'an:
This Ayah means: [..... and Allah created in Adam the knowledge of the names of everything.]
He used to talk with his children with clear words and not with signs.
Adam knew all the names of the creations such as the name of the sky, the earth, the sea, the air, the angel, the jinn, and the
Adam Plants and Harvests
Allah created in our master Adam the knowledge of the matters of earning a living.
Allah created in Adam the knowledge of how to make the instruments for planting, like a shovel and a sickle.
Allah created in Adam the knowledge of how to plant seeds, vegetables, and fruits, and how to harvest.
Allah created in Adam the knowledge of how to make bread out of wheat, and Adam used to make it well.
Adam Builds the Ka^bah
Our master Adam learned how to build.
Adam used to build homes and houses.
He used to make ceilings and doors for them.
He was the first to build the Ka^bah.
During his time, the Aqsa Mosque was built in Palestine.