Ibn-Abbas said: " this verse was revealed to the Prophet (pbuh) upon his ultimate journey from Mecca to Jerusalem (Al-Isra & Mi'rage Night). Upon Mohammad's arrival to Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem and meeting the prophets, Angel Gabriel recited to Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) the verse: " And ask those of Our Messengers whom WE sent before you, Did WE appoint any deities beside the Gracious God, to be worshipped ?"" . Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) replied: " I don't need to ask, I'm satisfied ".
Ibn-Abbas said: " Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) led the prayer of approximately Seventy Prophet ".....
Upon the Prophet's return, he gathered the people of Mecca and told them about his ultimate journey. The Believers got very excited and their faith became much stronger than ever, and of course the Infidels laughed and walked away. Abu Jahl, a strong enemy to the Prophet, went to Abu Bakr and told him: " Did you hear what your friend (Mohammad) said?, he claims that he traveled to 'Al-Aqsa' and back in one night ", Abu Bakr replied: " If he said that, then I believe him, O Allah Almighty, if he would've said that he has ascended to heaven and back, I would've belived him too.""
Abu Bakr didn't know yet that the Prophet (pbuh) also ascended to Heaven in that same night. When Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) heard what Abu Bakr said to Abu Jahl, he got pleased with Abu Bakr for his faith and trust in the Prophet, and the Prophet gave him a nick-name "Assiddiq" which is an adjective in Arabic based on the verb "sadaqa" which means "believed in"………
Abu Bakr was a great and faithful companion to our beloved Prophet (pbuh). One day, Angel Gibrael came to our Prophet (pbuh) and said: " Assmalamu (Allah) extends his greetings to you and says, " Extend to Abu Bakr a warm greetings from His God, and tell him: Your God is pleased with you, Are you (Abu Bakr) pleased with Allah?"....Abu Bakr said: " O' Messenger of Allah, how come I don't get pleased with Allah, Whom I always wish his pleasance. "
by: Abdel-Hamid Kishik