The Holy Qur'an describes Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) having the ultimate manners and deeds through out his life, and we will outline some in the following verses:
Allah (SWT) blessed Mohammad's Tongue and said:
"" 53:3 Nor does he say (aught) of (his own) Desire.""
Allah (SWT) blessed Mohammad's Revelation and said:
"" 53:4 It is no less than inspiration sent down to him.""
Allah (SWT) blessed Mohammad's Tutor and said:
"" 53:5 He was taught by one Mighty in Power (Angel Gabriel).""
Allah (SWT) blessed Mohammad's Heart and said:
"" 53:11 The (Prophet's) (mind and) heart in no way falsified that which he saw.""
Allah (SWT) blessed Mohammad's Sight and said:
"" 53:17 (Mohammad's) sight never swerved, nor did it go wrong! ""
Allah (SWT) blessed Mohammad's Message and said:
"" 21:107 We sent thee not, but as a Mercy for all creatures.""
Allah (SWT) blessed Mohammad entirely by saying:
"" 68:4 And thou (Mohammad) (standest) on an exalted standard of character.""
The people of Makkah fully trusted Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). In 605 AD at the time of his daughter Fatimah's birth, he was 35 years old, which was five years before his prophethood. A very special event occurred. The people of Makkah were rebuilding the walls of the Kabah, which had been damaged by a flood. When they raised the wall and were ready to place the black stone (Al Hjar Al Aswad) which came from Paradise, each tribe wanted to have the honor of putting it in its place. There was a big argument among the tribes which almost led to a civil war. They later reached a common solution. Whoever would be the first to pass through the gate of Al Suffah, would be the arbitrator in this dispute. Mohammad was the first to pass the gate. They were very pleased because they knew they could all agree with his verdict. Mohammad's solution was to take a robe and place the black stone in the middle of it. The oldest of each tribe would take a part of the robe. Then they would all lift the robe up. Then Mohammad took the stone and put it in its place. A just solution was found by Mohammad (pbuh).
During the 23 years of Prophet Mohammad's (pbuh) rule, there were only three cases of adultery, three divorces, and one robbery.
In one adultery case, a woman from the tribe of Beni Ghamid asked Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) to clear her (carry out the penance)of the sin of adultery. He asked her to come back when the baby was born. After the baby was born, she came back to Mohammad (pbuh) with the same request. He asked her to go and nurse the baby for two years. After two years she came back again with the same request. She insisted that now she should receive the penalty of committing adultery, even though Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) kept putting her off. Finally Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) ordered her desired penalty, according to Islamic law.
Another person Maaz Ibn Malik came to Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) and told him that he had committed adultery. Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) did not order his punishment right away. He asked him if he was drunk or if he had just kissed the woman. The man replied no to both questions.
Mohammad (pbuh) also confirmed this adultery case from his family and tribe. Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) asked if this person was insane. They replied that he was not insane. Maaz Ibn Malik insisted on receiving the penalty for his sin.
Then, Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) passed his judgment according to Islamic law.
A woman from the tribe of Bani Maqzoum was involved in a stealing incident. The woman was very rich and belonged to a very well known family. Her family did not want her to be punished and tried to hide her in several different ways. When this came to Prophet Mohammad's (pbuh) attention he ordered her brought to him. He said that if his daughter Fatimah had stolen, he would have ordered her hand to be cut off, too.
The law of Allah is perfect and the judgment of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) was always just. The Islamic society was very fair and good under his rule.
After Prophet Muhammed's (pbuh) death, his companions followed his teachings in every aspect of life.
During the time of the second Calipha, Omar Ibn Alkhataab, a trial of a thief was held. Omar asked the thief to say that he did not steal, a way not to put any body under extreme pressure , at the same time, to ensure a just decision to every citizen in the Islamic state irrespective to his belief or religion. But the thief replied that he did steal. Omar had no choice but to order the judgment according to Islamic law.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) was very bashful person, and he never yelled at any body in his life. He never said, " I don't like this food ", yet If he liked the food he would eat it, and if he didn't like it he would leave it alone without any criticism. Prophet Mohammad was clean, honest and generous.
Here is a summarized physical description of our beloved Messenger of Allah as mentioned in the Hadith: Ali Ibn Abi Talib said:
" Mohammad (pbuh) had black hair, when he passed away he had approximately 30 gray hair, he had long eyelashes, his hair was kinda curly, he had no hair on his chest, his voice was deep and sounded like "hoarse voice", he had broad hand and feet, round face, overall big body, long neck, had a gap in his front teeth, his eyebrows were soft and not thick, his eyes had a natural black eye-liner, beautiful big eyes, and when he used to walk, he used to walk fast. "
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