How did Mohammad (pbuh) know about the 20th century scientific fact known as " the Gravity"?
Adding for the benefit: Nasa Space Center has published recently the latest photo taken by the "Hubble Space Telescope" revealing an outstanding pictures of deep space with more than 1500 galaxies. Each galaxy consist of more than 200 Billion stars, each star has its own orbiting planets.!!! Surely our God is the Most Powerful, Most proficient!! To see the pictures, please click here
"" And thou seest the mountains, which thou thinkest to be firmly fixed, pass away as the clouds pass away - the handiwork of ALLAH Who has made everything perfect. Verily, HE is full Aware of what you do. "" 27:88
How did Mohammad (pbuh) know about the 20th century scientific fact known as "Continental Drift", where the mountains are pushed up as the continental movement slows down? Muslim Scholars went further in defining this verse by stating the following, and yet, interesting phenomenon: " Allah (swt) actually meant the movement of Earth. Our planet Earth, our spaceship, orbits the sun at speed of 67,000 miles per hour, which equals, 107,826 kilometer per hour, while at the same time rotating around itself at speed of 1000 miles per hour, which equals 1609 kilometer per hour. Isn't our Creator Great!!
"" HE created the heavens and the earth in accordance with the requirements of wisdom. HE makes the night to cover the day, and HE makes the day to cover the night; and he has pressed the sun and the moon into service; each pursues its course until an appointed time. Remember, it is HE alone Who is the Mighty, the Great Forgiver. "" 39:5
How did Mohammad (pbuh) know about the 20th century scientific fact known as " the shape of the Earth is Circular"?
"" HE it is WHO made the sun radiate a brilliant light and the moon reflect a lustre, and ordained for it proper stages, that you might know the count of years and the reckoning of time. ALLAH has not created this system but in accordance with the requirements of truth. HE details the signs for a people who possess knowledge. "" 10:5
How did Mohammad (pbuh) know about the 20th century scientific fact known as " the Sun is the source of light and the moon is a reflector of light"?
"" Then WE fashioned the sperm into a clot; then WE fashioned the clot into a shapeless lump; then WE fashioned bones out of this shapeless lump; Then WE clothed the bones with flesh; Then WE developed it into another creation. So blessed be ALLAH, the Best of creators. "" 23:14
How did Mohammad (pbuh) know about the 20th century Medical fact known as " the Human Development (Human Embryo)"?