The Qur'an mentions about the ark of Noah: "The Ark came to rest upon Mount Judi" (11:44). Recent archeological research has discovered a boat shaped object with exactly the same dimensions as those of the Ark on Mount Judi, near the city of Mosil in Iraq and not far from the Turkeish borders. The Bible claims that the Ark came to rest twenty miles away on the Mountains of Ararat. This is not possible, since these mountains are a recent geological formation, and did not exist at the time of Noah. The Qur'an also refers to the flood as a localised event, destroying only Noah's people. The dates and time offered by the Bible for the flood, and its claim that it was a world wide cataclysm, has been proven false by all archeological evidence.
In the above verses, the Qur'an describes the ruler of Egypt being addressed as "King" in the time of Joseph, whilst Moses addresses the ruler as "Pharaoh". This is a small but telling accuracy, for in the time of Joseph the rulers were from the Hykos Dynasty, and were Semites. They did not refer to themselves as "Pharaohs". The term was used by the native Egyptian dynasties that supplanted the Hykos, in the time of Moses. The Bible again proves inaccurate on this point referring to both as "Pharaoh". The Qur'an also correctly describes aspects of the ancient Egyptian religion, in particular the worship of Pharaoh as a god.
The Qur'an refers to the early followers of Jesus as "Nazarenes". This is historically accurate. The word "Christian" was actually a nick name used by the Romans sometime after Jesus - Acts 11:26 "The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch."
The Qur'an makes reference to a city Irem, which Allah destroyed for its evil doings. Until recently there was no record of this city, and it was believed to be only a legend. In 1991, in southern Arabian desert's "Rub al Khali" in Oman, the 4300 year old city of Irem "Ubar" was excavated. Underneath the dunes of sand, the city of Irem "Ubar" was found with its routes and more than 8 pillars of "horse shoe" shape towers.
Thermal receptors are not present in the intestines. It is known that if the bowel is cut the contents go into the highly sensitive Peritonea Cavity, where intense pain is initiated. This is not common knowledge now, let alone in Muhammad's time. The author of the Qur'an is, however, well acquainted with these facts!
How and from where did Mohammad (pbuh) gather this information? If, as some claim, he took it from the Bible, how did he manage to correct the Bible's mistakes?